Friday, 2025-02-07, 4:36 PM
When I first started out in the adsense business I was told to use as many of the Adsense products as I could (3xad unit, 1xlink unit, 2xsearch box). However I soon removed the Adsense search box mainly for one reason - I didn't like the fact that site visitors were leaving my site when using it.

I looked at like this - if a visitor was interested in what my site had to offer and decided to search my site for more information using the Adsense search box, they might be confused by the new browser window opening and decide to close - after all even though I could customize the search results page somewhat it didn't REALLY seem like the same site. Having not liked the way the search works that visitor may then decide to look elsewhere (another site).

However, the new adsense search is much more webmaster and visitor friendly. Being able to display the search results that Google supplies within a website template is real plus point. It fits in with the site well, the visitor may not realize that they are in fact viewing Google ads followed by results from my website on search results pages, and if the visitor doesn't find what they are looking for the page still has my template where I can provide alternative navigation in the header or sidebar to keep the visitor on my site.

Another point about adsense search that I like is that if a visitor searches your site but there are no matching results, the visitor is still given a number of results in the form of ads. If someone searches for something and is ONLY given ads as a result, there is a large chance that the visitor will click on an ad - earning you revenue.

The Google Adsense programme is rewarding for any webmaster looking to earn from their site. Whether this is to cover the hosting fees or to generate a full-time income, it is achievable if the main ingredients of any successful website are in place - traffic, seo, adsense positioning, content.

Adsense For Search : Finding Money or Not

Adsense for search is not just another revenue generating tool sitting on your website. It's a tool which helps both you and the user. How does it help me, apart from generating revenue? one might ask, the answer is simple: most people have one common missing feature on their website or blog. A search feature, visitors are not always going to spend hours on your site trying to browse through content. They need fast and effective results. This is where the google search box comes in. It provides you, the webmaster, with an important tool plus it provides the visitor with fast results.

I personally have seen many adsense users trying to eliminate (in search for a better term :P) the search box feature from their site. Even I have. However what they (and I) don't understand is that they are missing a certain part of their revenue.

Just think of it this way. okay for a second put yourself on the users position. you are browsing a site and feel like you need more. Instead of typing the user sees a search box on your site. Chances are he will search for more content through that search box. and thus clicking on a revenue generating ad. It's quite effective since the user is seaching for targeted content. I recently read about search boxes from a guy called Joel Comm, He had this to say : "If a visitor doesn't find anything useful in my site, I'd prefer they leave some change in the 'tip jar' on the way out of the door"

However a search box has it's own disadvantages. First of all the chances for a visitor clicking on an ad generating revenue is rather small, secondly the webmaster has no control over the keywords, and most search terms won't be high paying keywords.

overall a search box is close to vital to any website. But you must cope with it's own disadvantages as well.